This article contains the following information:
The integration to EdReady from NCEdCloud is available to all your students in grades 9-12, not just those that are using CCRG (as NCEdCloud has no way of identifying those students). It is also available to all users (non-students) associated with a North Carolina high school. Because of this, you may see accounts for students or staff that clicked the EdReady CCRG icon out of curiosity but are not involved in the program.
- All 9-12 grade students are welcome to use EdReady as a supplement or study resource, even if they are not required to complete the CCRG program.
- Any staff members that create an account in the platform will not have access to see or do anything by default (all new user accounts are created with the "Default Employee" role), so cannot access student data unless their permissions are updated.
Deleting Student or Admin User Accounts
User accounts cannot be deleted by LEA or School admins at this time: student account deletion is permanent and so it is critical that accounts are not accidentally removed. If you feel as though a user should not be in the platform and want their account removed, please submit a support ticket.
Archiving Student or Admin User Accounts
Student accounts cannot be Archived at this time. If you feel as though a student should not be in the system, please submit a support ticket so we can address your concerns and determine the best way to remove that student from your view.
Admin User (non-student) accounts can be Archived by the LEA Administrator or School Administrators. Archived accounts are made inactive (the user can no longer log in) and are also hidden from view in the reports and EdReady administrative pages. If a user account is archived, the user will not create a new account if they try to access EdReady from NCEdCloud. Please note that users with an Archived account will still see the CCRG icon in NCEdCloud but they will receive an error message when they try to access EdReady.
Archiving a User Account:
1. Access EdReady from NCEdCloud
2. Click the Manage Account button from your EdReady dashboard to access the administrative pages in EdReady.
3. You will land on the Groups tab: click on the Admins tab
4. Click the Archive icon () for the user you want to archive
5. You will see a pop-up message, confirming that you want to move forward archiving this user. If you want to proceed, click the Confirm button.
6. The page will refresh and this user account is archived.
Restoring a User Account
If a previously-archived account needs to be restored, follow these steps:
1. Access EdReady from NCEdCloud
2. Click the Manage Account button from your EdReady dashboard to access the administrative pages in EdReady.
3. You will land on the Groups tab: click on the Admins tab
4. Click the Show Archive () icon above the table
5. The table will refresh and you will see all Archived users listed
6. Click the Unarchive icon () for the user you want to restore
7. You will see a pop-up message, confirming that you want to move forward unarchiving this user. If you want to proceed, click the Confirm button.
6. The page will refresh and this user account is unarchived.
NOTE: you will need to click the Close Archive button () above the table to return to the full list of Admins.