This article contains the following information:
- Requesting a Report Export: Overview
- Requesting a Report
- Viewing Generated Reports
- Frequently Asked Questions
Requesting a Report Export: Overview
Most of the on-screen tables and reports available in EdReady can be exported for offline use. Requested reports will be generated by EdReady and you will receive an email (at the address associated with your EdReady account) when it is available for download. All reports you have requested will be available on the My Reports page, allowing you to easily see (and sort and filter) your reports.
Requesting a Report
If you see the mail icon () above a table or report in EdReady, this indicates that the table details can be exported as a report (typically reports are generated as Excel or Comma-Separated files).
- To request a report, click the Email table data button above the table or report you are viewing
- In the pop-up window, you will have two choices for your requested export:
- Full Report: the file will include all columns and data available in this report, even if they are not currently included in your on-screen display.
- Filtered Report: file will include the columns/ information included in your current on-screen column display and filters
- Make your selection (Full or Filtered), then click the Send button
When the requested report is ready, you’ll receive an email from EdReady (to the email address on your account^), letting you know it is available.
IMPORTANT: don't click the link to access your EdReady Reports. Since all CCRG users log into the platform via NCEdCloud, you will want to log into EdReady in your normal way instead of the login page the link takes you to.
^If you can’t access messages sent to the email address on your CCRG account, you won’t be notified when the report is available. Still, you can always access your requested reports with the following instructions, even without that email notification.
Viewing Generated Reports
All your generated reports will be available on the 'My Reports' page in EdReady. You can easily access this page by following these instructions:
- Log into CCRG
- Click the Advanced Reporting button to access your EdReady reporting dashboard
- NOTE: you cannot access the My Reports page directly from this page - you must click the Advanced Reporting button first.
- NOTE: you cannot access the My Reports page directly from this page - you must click the Advanced Reporting button first.
- Access the dropdown menu in the top banner (under your name), then click on the My Reports link
- The My Reports page will show you all the reports you have generated. Click the Download link to have the requested report downloaded to your device.
If you no longer need a report, you can click the Delete link to permanently remove it.
Like most tables in EdReady, you can click on a column header to sort the data in ascending or descending order. You can also use the filter row to help you find specific reports.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Why is CCRG no longer emailing reports directly?
A: We are continually working to improve security related to student data and this improvement (making the data available for local download instead of transmitting via email) was implemented as part of those efforts.
Q: Can I send the report to someone else/ another email address?
A: Not directly through EdReady: the report will only be available on the My Reports page for the requesting user. If you need to share data with others, you will need to manage sharing that information outside of the EdReady platform.
Q: How can I get to the reports if I can't access messages sent to the email address on my CCRG account?
A: Even without an email alerting you that the report has been generated, you can always visit your My Reports page to access any requested reports.
Q: Why can't I log in at the link in the 'EdReady Report Ready for Download' message?
A: CCRG users don't log into the CCRG site directly at the site's login page, but instead access through NCEdCloud, but you can still access requested reports. After logging in, click the Advanced Reporting button, then (from the reports dashboard) access the dropdown menu (under your name in the site header) and click the My Reports link.