Basic Table Display
This screenshot shows an example of a table display you'll see throughout EdReady.
Use the "Filter" field at the top of each column to limit the rows you see. Type in a few characters and the column will show only entries containing that character string. For example, if you type "dar" in the First Name filter, you will find users named Darlene, Sundar, and Darren.
When in use, the 'filter' cell will often be colored teal, signifying that a value has been entered there.
Used together, these columns create a powerful search capability.
You can sort columns by clicking on the header to sort ascending [A-Z], again to sort descending [Z-A]). Any filtering/ sorting will be applied across all rows, not just those you see on the current page.
Most tables are displayed in pages (paginated). You will see the default number of rows on-screen, and can use the navigation at the bottom of the page to change the number of rows and to navigate between the pages.
Adding Columns
In many places you can also alter the information displayed to you on-screen. Click the "+" button to see all the columns available to you in a pop-up window. (Note: the columns available for each table will vary)
Click the checkbox for any columns you'd like to see on-screen and click OK - your on-screen table will now include any column that was selected.
Some tabled in the Advanced Reports section of EdReady include a bookmarking feature: this capability allows you to save a specific table configuration, so that you can more easily access your favorite displays.
To save a current table configuration, click the bookmark icon, enter a Name for the new bookmark, and click the Save Bookmark button.
To load a previously-saved bookmark, click the bookmark icon, select an existing bookmark (under the ‘Load Bookmark’ header), and click the Load Bookmark button.
All bookmarks you create will be available from the My bookmarks page. Click on your Name in the header bar. Then, click the My bookmarks link shown in the dropdown menu. Here you can click the “Go” link to load any bookmarked view. You can also Edit (rename) and Delete any bookmark.
Exporting Reports
You can choose to have an Excel version of the information in the table exported for you by clicking the mail icon: you will have the option to generate a filtered version that shows the columns/ information included in your on-screen selections, or an unfiltered version that includes all of your available columns and data. You can find more details here: Requesting and Downloading Reports