CCRG Enhanced English IV Tier 2 Test Update. November 28, 2022
In an effort to address users' feedback and to constantly make improvements, we need to share the following update:
CCRG Enhanced English IV consists of two tiers. Students have had five attempts on the Tier 1 Test but only two attempts on the Tier 2 test within the EdReady platform. An update has recently been made to allow students five attempts on the Tier 2 Test in CCRG Enhanced English IV.
This makes English Tier 2 consistent with all other Tiers across math & English and these additional Tier Test attempts (English Tier 2 tests C, D, and E) can be unlocked in the same way as all other study paths (instructions here). Please share this update with your school contacts and please join us for office hours (info here) if anyone has questions or concerns.
All three tiers of CCRG math and Tier 1 of CCRG Enhanced English IV currently allow five Tier Test attempts. This update maintains consistency across both subjects and all tiers.