The most common reason that this happens is because your account has been assigned specific section(s) and there are no students in those sections yet. Your School Administrator or LEA Administrator can look on the Students tab to see which students are in your section(s):
(use the "+" button to add the Class: English and/or Class: Math columns to the on-screen display)
There are two ways that students can be put into a class section:
- Student can update their own account: student-facing instructions HERE. This is the preferred method, as each student can quickly update their section the next time they log in.
- An administrator who doesn't have specific sections assigned (and so can see students without section assignments) can edit the student accounts to add the section. Instructions available here: Edit Student Accounts
Students also won't show up in the on-screen Advanced Reports until they have completed the diagnostic for a study path. If you want to see details across all students (regardless of completion), check the following reports: