This article contains the following information:
- Report Overview
- Accessing the Overview Report
- Student Summary Statistics
- Score Summary
- Score Distribution chart
- Unit Breakdown by Mastery chart
Report Overview
The Overview Report provides summary details for across your cohort of students. This is a helpful report to understand high-level trends and progress before digging into the classroom-level reports that list individual student data.
Instructors will see only students in their sections, but District-level contacts will see summary details across all the sections they have access to see.
If you have access to more than one section (EdReady Goal), you will see a Report Filters option at the top of the page where you can choose to focus in on a single section of students:
Select the goal you want to see on-screen in the Associated Goal dropdown menu, then click the Apply Filters button: the on-screen display will update to show summary details for only that section. To return to seeing overall summary data, select 'All' from the dropdown menu. Be sure to click the Apply Filters button each time your selections change.
Accessing the Overview Report
You can access the Overview Report for any Study Path by clicking on the Reports link on the "Study Paths with Student Activity" tab on your reports dashboard:
This report provides high-level summary details about student progress in this study path in EdReady.
Student Summary Statistics
The top section provides details regarding the number of student accounts and how many students have worked in their study paths to improve their scores. Students will only be included in the reports once they have completed the initial diagnostic for a study path the ‘Initial diagnostic in progress’ value will indicate if any students have started but not yet completed this activity.
Score Summary
The Summary section shows the overall median EdReady score for the initial diagnostic to the left, and the current median EdReady score.
Score Distribution chart
The Score Distribution chart indicates the Initial Diagnostic Scores (shown in gray), current EdReady score (in purple) and the number of students associated with each score (represented in the height of the bar). Click the ‘Change View’ link to see this information in a table format.
Unit Breakdown by Mastery chart
The Unit Breakdown by Mastery chart displays a column for each unit included in the assessment, and stacked colored bars indicate the current student mastery status (Not Ready, Needs Review, Doing Well, Mastered) for each unit (more details here). To see the name of a displayed unit, hover your mouse over a column. Click the ‘Change View’ link to see this information in a table format.